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Set Up Cover Panels through API

➑️ See the API Reference documentation πŸ”— for detailed information.

Set Up the Dimensions​

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
widthContinuous length[0 ;∞]0 ≀ 400 ≀ ∞
depthDiscrete length[0 ;∞]13
heightContinuous length[0 ;∞]0 ≀ 800 ≀ ∞
"width": {
"max": null,
"min": 0,
"step": 1,
"typeID": 1,
"editable": null,
"translation": {
"name": {
"1": "Longueur",
"2": "Width",
"3": "Anchura",
"4": "Breite"
"defaultValue": 400


Additional information is not mandatory.

"prices": [
"typePrice": "regular",
"price": 100,
"startDate": null,
"endDate": null,
"currency": "EUR",

Non-Optimized Cover Panels​

In the planner, cabinets use the generic product, but when it comes to pricing an algorithm will determine the boards to use (i.e. product articles) depending on the area to cover.

The final architecture in the BOM πŸ”— JSON object will follow the following pattern (this is pseudo-code):

"products": [
"children": [
"generic-cover-panel-product", // this item is for the left CP
"children": [
"generic-cover-panel-product", // this item is for the right CP
"children": [

Optimized Cover-Panels​

Top and bottom cover panels pricing is optimized: the planner will try to use boards on several cabinets at once.

As cabinets can share boards, these optimized cover panels are not located inside the "products" section of the Bill of Material (BOM) πŸ”—, but in a dedicated location, under the " linears" section.

"linears": [
"children": [
"furnitureList": [ 1, 2, 3 ],
"position": "top"
"furnitureList": [ 3, 4 ],
"position": "top"
"furnitureList": [ 1, 2, 3 ],
"position": "bottom"
"furnitureList": [ 3, 4 ],
"position": "bottom"
"children": [
"furnitureList": [ 5 ],
"position": "top"

Product Mapping​

Note: cover panel mappings ARE NOT regular product mapping as documented here πŸ”—. They use the product mapping structure to configure the behavior, but it is a dedicated algorithm that solves this mapping. For that reason, only simple and flat mappings are supported with only the "EQUALS" comparison and "&&" operator.

	"mapping": [
"referenceProduct": "20043",
"conditions": {
"version": "1.0",
"conditions": [
"param": "width",
"value": 390,
"comparison": "EQUAL"
"operator": "&&"
"param": "height",
"value": 860,
"comparison": "EQUAL"
"operator": "&&"
"param": "depth",
"value": 13,
"comparison": "EQUAL"


A common practise is to let the user choose the cover panel they want in the planner. You then must list the compatible cover panel products at the top-assembly level using a visible product parameter: e.g. leftCoverPanel, backCoverPanel.

To enable the automatic cover-panel behaviors in the planner, you also have to setup a few additional invisible boolean parameters:

  • leftCoverOption
  • rightCoverOption
  • backCoverOption
  • backLeftCoverOption (for corner cabinets)
  • backRightCoverOption (for corner cabinets)

this automatic feature is not available for top and bottom cover panels, that is why it is not useful to add topCoverOption and bottomCoverOption.

To let the end user decide whether or not to let the planner manage cover panels automatically, you can also setup the following boolean parameters:

  • autoLeftCoverPanel
  • autoRightCoverPanel

These parameters should be visible and editable for the end user. They are only available for left and right cover panels and let the user enable the automatic cover panels (auto management by the planner) or disable it (manual management by the user).

Cabinet Top Level Update​

To definitely activate the cover panel option on a cabinet, the following parameters should be defined at top-assembly level.

πŸ“Œ Parameters followed by an * are mandatory for automatic behavior. The default value is formatted in bold.

❗️ leftCoverPanel must be 'nullable' and leftCoverOption is FALSE by default.

Object typeParameter nameParameter typePossible valuesFunction
Base/High/Wall cabinetrightCoverOption*booleanTRUE / FALSEEnable the automatic behavior to deactivate the right cover panel of a cabinet if it is fully covered. ( Require rightCoverPanel [product])
Base/High/Wall cabinetleftCoverOption*booleanTRUE / FALSEEnable the automatic behavior to deactivate the left cover panel of a cabinet if it is fully covered. ( Require leftCoverPanel [product])
Base/High cabinetbackCoverOption*booleanTRUE / FALSEEnable the automatic behavior to deactivate the back cover panel of a cabinet if it is fully covered. ( Require backCoverPanel [product])
Base/High/Wall cabinetrightCoverPanel*product–Dedicated parameter for client Range integration.
Base/High cabinet Wall cabinetleftCoverPanel*product–Dedicated parameter for client Range integration.
Base/High cabinetbackCoverPanel*product–Dedicated parameter for client Range integration.
High/Wall cabinettopCoverPanelproduct–Dedicated parameter for client Range integration.
Wall cabinetbottomCoverPanelproduct–Dedicated parameter for client Range integration.
Base/High/Wall cabinetautoRightCoverPanelbooleanTRUE / FALSEParameter to let the user decide to manage the right cover panel automatically or not (Requires rightCoverPanel [product] and rightCoverOption [boolean])
Base/High/Wall cabinetautoLeftCoverPanelbooleanTRUE / FALSEParameter to let the user decide to manage the left cover panel automatically or not (Requires leftCoverPanel [product] and leftCoverOption [boolean])


	"leftCoverOption": {
"typeID": 3,
"editable": null,
"translation": {
"name": {
"2": "leftCoverOption"
"defaultValue": 0


	"leftCoverPanel": {
"ids": [
"tags": [],
"typeID": 7,
"editable": "RW",
"nullable": true,
"translation": {
"name": {
"2": "Left Cover Panel"
"defaultValue": "13857"

❗️ Top and bottom panels do not have the automatic removal behavior so only xxxCoverPanel product parameters are required.


	"topCoverPanel": {
"ids": [
"tags": [],
"typeID": 7,
"editable": "RW",
"nullable": true,
"translation": {
"name": {
"2": "Top Cover Panel"
"defaultValue": ""


"bottomCoverPanel": {
"ids": [
"tags": [],
"typeID": 7,
"editable": "RW",
"nullable": true,
"translation": {
"name": {
"2": "Bottom Cover Panel"
"defaultValue": ""