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Set Up Room Objects

At the Floorplan step in the planner it is possible to add, edit and move room objects such as columns, boxes, water pipes, radiators and β€œPlugs & Meters” products.

The customer can add them to its design to fully imitate the distribution and irregularity of a given room.

On detailed design, room objects are in "grey" mode and are not editable and considered as a part of the wall. Snapping should be available.

πŸ“Œ The template engine takes room objects into account. Because room objects are fictitious products, they are not priced.

Room objects can be divided into the following types:

  • Columns
  • Free shapes such as box objects and water pipes
  • Radiators
  • Plugs & meters

Room objects

➑️ Click here πŸ”— to open the complete sample to define worktops through API.

Specify the Basic Information​

The minimum information required to create a room object is common to every kind of products.

This is:

  • The name: The name will be displayed in the planner (in the Edit panel) and should be available for all languages. If not, the planner will display the name in the fallback language.
  • Mandatory information: The product reference, the brand and the product type.
  • Product representation: This is where you specify among others the 3D resource, the thumbnail and the parameters.

❗️ Select your product type carefully because it will trigger the applicative rules. There are three possible product types for room objects: Columns, Free shapes and Radiators. Because they are specific products, their type will be used only for classification in the planner.

Specify the 3D Resource and the Thumbnail​

A room object is either defined by a 3D asset managed in Geometry Editor or by a assembly (a .BMA file) managed in Assembly Editor. The required resource must complies with the ByMe platform requirements.

Upload the 3d into the product

Specify the Dimension Parameters​

❗️ Although the dimensions of the asset are embedded in the .BM3 / .BMA file they must be specify in 3DCloud. These parameters are strictly mandatory.

Columns can be defined either by width, depth, height or by circumference and height.

Click Create parameter to specify the dimensions of an object.

Dimensions for a Column​

These parameters correspond to the default scaling parameters of the BM3 file.

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
widthContinuous length[50;1500]500 mm
depthDiscrete length[50;1500]500 mm
heightDiscrete length[50;5000]3000 mm

Circumference can be used as alternative to the default BM3 parameters (width, depth and height).

πŸ“Œ In this case the calculation of the dimensions should be done in an intermediate BMA using relations.

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
heightDiscrete length[5;10000]3000 mm
circumferenceDiscrete length[10;10000]628 mm

Dimensions for a Free Shape​

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
depthDiscrete length[0 ;∞]500
widthDiscrete length[0 ;∞]500
heightDiscrete length[0 ;∞]500

Dimensions for a Box object​

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
depthDiscrete length[0 ;∞]30
widthDiscrete length[0 ;∞]30
heightDiscrete length[0 ;∞]500

Dimensions for a Water pipe​

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
depthDiscrete length[0 ;∞]900
widthDiscrete length[0 ;∞]1200
heightDiscrete length[0 ;∞]450

Dimensions of a Radiator​

The structure of a radiator is the same as for a box object.

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
depthDiscrete length[0 ;∞]80
widthDiscrete length[0 ;∞]1200
heightDiscrete length[0 ;∞]1000

Specify the Publication Material Parameters​

❗️ Although the publication material of the asset is embedded in the .BM3 / .BMA file they must be specified in 3DCloud. This parameter is strictly mandatory.

Free shapes such as cylinder, cube can have covering materials applied to them.

Click Add product replacement to create a choice of covering materials to apply on free shapes.

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
materialProduct variationExternal dbIDsExternal dbID


The behavior of the room objects in the planner is managed by the application distribution parameter isObstacle set to 'true'.

This parameter should be defined in the application distribution as key of catalogEntries πŸ”—

isObstacle Parameter​

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value

❗️ Finally, you have to add the room objects to a catalog linked to a kitchen planner application distribution.