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Set Up Wall Panels

In the kitchen planner, base cabinets can be enhanced with a wall panel if their back side is in contact with the wall. The wall panel option is editable by the customer in the Edit panel of the cabinet.

❗️ Even if there is no dependency with the wall panel and the wall edge strip of the cabinet, the wall panel strongly links to these two options.

The purpose of this page is to explain how to set up a wall panel on a base cabinet using 3DCloud.

➑️ Click here πŸ”— to open the complete sample to define wall panels through API.


The table below lists all the definitions around wall panels.

Wall PanelPanels can be added between the worktop and the wall of a base cabinet. This panel can have different colors and can be applied on all base cabinets. The customer can edit the wall panel in the Edit panel in the Kitchen Planner.
Wall Panel materialDefines the material that will be used as filtering criteria in the Kitchen Planner, either acrylic, glass, laminate or quartz.
Wall panel typeDefines the type of the wall panel: either precut or custom, which controls the pricing calculation method.
Wall panel edge compatibilityBased on the wall panel, defines what edge finishing are possible. This requires that the catalog contains wall panel edge products.
Wall panel operation compatibilityBased on the wall panel, defines what operations are possible. This requires that the catalog contains wall panel operation products.


Below are illustrations of concepts regarding wall panels that are documented hereinafter.

Wall panels

Wall panels

Operations on wall panels These operations can be performed in the wall panel editor.

Wall panels operations

Wall panel types

Wall panels types

Important Information​

Generic wall panel products​

The wall panels must be defined as generic products (with no price) with a list of mapped products (with a price defined)

This is true in all the cases, even if there is only one product mapped to the generic wall panel.

All the parameters in this document must be set on the generic wall panel product

The only mandatory parameters required in the mapped products are the dimension parameters : width, depth, height ( see dimension parameters πŸ”— for more details)

Freestanding wall panel insertion​

Insertion width

The parameter width will be used as the default width when a freestanding wall panel is added to the project.

Insertion height

The parameter height will be used as the default height when a freestanding wall panel is added to the project.

Insertion height from floor

If a value is specified on the wall panel for the behavior defaultAltitude then when a freestanding wall panel is added to the project it will be inserted at this height from the floor.

If no value is specified on the wall panel then it will be inserted at 1000mm from the floor.

Specify the Basic Information​

The minimum information required to create a wall panel is common to every kind of products.

This is:

  1. The name: The name will be displayed in the planner (in the Edit panel) and should be available for all languages. If not, the planner will display the name in the fallback language.
  2. Mandatory information: The product reference, the brand and the product type.
  3. Product information: This information is not mandatory but highly recommended, especially the short and long descriptions that are displayed in the planner.
  4. Product representation: This is where you specify among others the 3D resource, the thumbnail and the parameters.
  5. Pricing: This is where you specify the pricing type (regular, discount...).

❗️ Select your product type carefully because it will trigger the applicative rules: do not confuse wall panels with wall panel edges.

Specify the 3D Resource and the Thumbnail​

The resource required for a wall panel is a texture (BM3MAT). No 3D asset (BMA or BM3) is required, because the geometry is generated by predefined shape automatically.

  1. Click Replace to browse for your .BM3MAT file and add it to the datasheet.
  2. Click to specify the bitmap file that will be used as thumbnail in 3DCloud and in the planner. Follow the format and size recommendations.

Case of Reversible Wall Panels​

For reversible panels only, resources are based on material parameter values: i.e. material1 and material2 (see below the side Parameter πŸ”—.) In this case, the texture resource is not mandatory at the wall panel product level and the materials targeted by these parameters must be already defined in the catalog as materials πŸ”—.

Specify the Dimension Parameters​

These parameters must be defined for a vertical board, as follows :

  • width is the length along the grain direction
  • depth is used for 3D modeling
  • height is the length perpendicular to the grain direction
  • thickness is the thickness of the board

πŸ“Œ For the mapped wall panel products, the default values of width and height are necessary for price calculation, and for the automatic placement of wall panel splits πŸ“Œ For the generic wall panel products, the default value of depth is necessary for the 3D modelisation

❗️ Although the .BM3MAT does not have by definition any dimensions, the default sizes of the wall panel must be specified in the datasheet. Indeed, size parameters are mandatory, including for wall panels.

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
widthDiscrete length[0 ;∞]1196
depthDiscrete length[0 ;∞]2
heightContinuous length[0 ;∞]200 ≀ 550 ≀ 4000
thicknessDiscrete length[0 ;∞]20

❗️ For precut wall panels, width is a strictly mandatory parameter that is taken into account for price calculation.

Define the Option Parameters​

❗️ The option parameters are not strictly mandatory, but they are required to ensure that the wall panel will be recognized by the planer and that the expected options will be available in the cabinet editor.

Click Add an option in the Product representation tab to define the following parameters.

The wallPanelType Parameter​

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
wallPanelTypestringprecut / customprecut

wallPanelTypehas two usages:

  • Define variants to suggest to the customer in the planner;
  • Define how the price will be calculated.

This parameter is thus highly recommended.

PrecutUsed for wall panels sold and priced by the unit. The planner calculates the number of units needed from total length of the panel (in this case the price by unit must be specified).
CustomUsed for wall panels sold and priced by the meter. The planner calculates the price from total length of the panel (in this case the price by linear meter must be specified).

The ecoFeeCategory Parameter​

ecoFeeCategory has a usage:

  • Define to find the same category in the range where the weight of the board lies and to retrieve the ecofee value of that weight.

❗️ This parameter is mandatory to trigger EcoFeeRule.

ParameterTypePossible values
ecoFeeCategorystringany string

The surfaceWeight Parameter​

surfaceWeight has a usage:

  • Define to calculate the weight of board using width, depth and surfaceWeight and the calculated weight will be returned by EcoFeeRule.

❗️ This parameter is mandatory to trigger EcoFeeRule. PreciselysurfaceWeight should be in kilograms per square meter.

ParameterTypePossible values
surfaceWeightnumber[0 ;∞]

The wallPanelMaterial Parameter​

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
wallPanelMaterialstringacrylic / glass / laminate / quartzlaminate

The wallPanelpMaterial parameter is a filtering parameter. You can choose (i.e. create) any parameter to filter the list of wall panels in the Edit panel. The parameter should be on all wall panels to filter and also set in the settings of the Application Distribution to be recognized as a filtering parameter.

❗️ This wallPanelMaterial parameter is a string value with no link to the texture of the panel itself. This texture is defined by the asset resource or material parameters.


The side Parameter​

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
sideinteger1 / -11

side allows to specify that the wall panel is reversible. This option is not mandatory, but if it is defined the materials (of 'material' type) become mandatory and the 3D resource (BM3MAT) must be removed. Therefore, a material variation must be defined for each side, using the material parameter (see hereinafter).

Materials for Reversible Panels​

Define the material used for each side of the wall panel. Requires the side parameter.

ParameterTypePossible values
material1Material variationExternal dbID
material2Material variationExternal dbID

material1 and material2 parameters define which material should be applied to each sides of the wall panel. By default:

  • material1 is applied to side = 1
  • material2 applied to side = -1

Click Add product parameter to define each parameter and browse for an existing material πŸ”—.

The rail Parameter​

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
railbooleantrue / falsefalse

rail defines whether the panel has a default rail for fixation or not. This parameter is not mandatory: if not specified, the rail will simply not be considered.

If this value is 'true', the railProductID parameter becomes mandatory to define what shall be the corresponding product. Enabling the rail parameter will also impact the dimensions and the default height values. If not specified

The railProductID Parameter​

If the rail parameter is set to 'true' then, the railProductID defines which priced product is used.

To allow the customer to disable this rail and change the height of the panel, the railProductID should be mandatory set as nullable. In this case, the corresponding rail is added to the total kitchen price and to the item list.

❗️ The type of the products pointed by the railProductID parameter must be "Accessories" (and not "Railings").


Add a product parameter to define the railProductID parameter (product variation with link to an external dbID) and specify the products that can be used as a rail.

Define the Product Parameters​

Click Add product replacement to define the parameters below.

The edgeCompatibility Parameter​

Available only for "custom" type wall panels, the edgeCompatibility parameter defines a list of products (available on the current Legal Entity) that can be specifically used as edge finishing for wall panel.

πŸ“Œ Wall panel edge products do not have any required parameters and no 3D asset (BMA or BM3) or texture (BM3MAT) is required. To be recognized by the planner as a wall panel edge, the products must have the type "Wall panel edges":

Wall panel edges type

The operationCompatibility Parameter​

operationCompatibility parameter defines a list of products that are compatible products (available on the current Legal Entity) to be used as cut operation for the wall panel.

If need be for precut panels, these operation products can be set up as generic products without prices.

➑️ Parameters are required for wall panel edge products.

See Parameters for an Operation πŸ”— for

detailed information.

πŸ“Œ For wall panel operation products not 3D asset (BMA or BM3) or texture (BM3MAT) is required.

To be recognized by the planner as an operation, the products must have the type "Operation":

Operation type

Parameters for Polished Underside​

The polishedUnderside Parameter​

| Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | polishedUnderside | product | Polished Underside product |

polishedUnderside must be configured if the wall panel can have polished undersides. If this parameter is set to null, the polished underside feature can be used, but with no pricing. The polished underside product must be an Parameters for an Operation πŸ”— product of type polishedUnderside

polished underside product

To be recognized by the planner as an operation, the products must have the type "Operation":

Operation type


Like every product, wall panels support different pricing πŸ”— types: regular, reduced, membership, etc. Click the Pricing tab to define the price(s).

πŸ“Œ The recommended pricing method for wall panels is 'linearMeter' or 'linearFeet' in addition to a mapping.

Parameters to Add at Upper Level​

Wall panel option is an indirect product feature.

This means that it is not mandatory to list the wall panel products at the top-assembly level. Setting the wallPanelOption to 'true' in the top-assembly datasheet will enable a choice of wall panels in the planner corresponding to products available in the catalog.

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
wallPanelOptionbooleanTRUE / FALSEFALSE

Catalog Update​

To be available in an Application Distribution, it is mandatory to deploy all the wallpanel products in the corresponding catalog πŸ”—.