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Set Up Plinths

If a plinth has been enabled on a cabinet, it will be generated automatically in the kitchen planner when the customer adds the cabinet to her/his kitchen design. The plinth is editable by the customer in the Edit panel of the cabinet.

❗️ Even if there is no dependency with the legs πŸ”—, decorative legs πŸ”— or decorative plinths πŸ”— of the cabinet, plinths strongly link to these options.

❗️ If a product is defined with the plinthOption and leg parameters (refer to Cabinets parameters πŸ”—), the choice for these options in the application will appear as a single option (choose a plinth or legs). In order to be able to modify these parameters independently, the leg parameter should be renamed with something else.

➑️ Click here πŸ”— to open the complete sample to define plinths through API.


PlinthPlinth is the panel that covers the area between the bottom of the base unit and the kitchen floor. Plinths are generated automatically as a linear feature of the kitchen planner. It is also known as a kick plate or kick board.
Plinth position typeThe plinth could have two different positions to follow the same logic as when the plinth is placed in person by the customer. Possible values are: β–ͺ️ Bound to the leg: 'onLeg' β–ͺ️ Bound to the frame: 'onFrame' β–ͺ️ Aligned with the front: 'onFront'
Leg offsetsWhen plinths are fixed on the legs, the leg offset must be defined. It is the variable distance between the edge of the frame and the legs. Three distances are manageable in the plinth settings: the distance on sides, on front and on back.


Below are illustrations of concepts regarding plinths that are documented hereinafter.

Base cabinet with plinths

The plinth are generated automatically around the cabinet.

Cabinet with plinths

Combination of base cabinets and fillers

The continuous linear is generated automatically along the combination.

Cabinets with linear plinths

Specify the Basic Information​

The minimum information required to create a plinth is common to every kind of products.

This is:

  1. The name: The name will be displayed in the planner (in the Edit panel) and should be available for all languages. If not, the planner will display the name in the fallback language.
  2. Mandatory information: The product reference, the brand and the product type.
  3. Product information: This information is not mandatory but highly recommended, especially the short and long descriptions that are displayed in the planner.
  4. Product representation: This is where you specify among others the 3D resource, the thumbnail and the parameters.
  5. Pricing: This is where you specify the pricing type (regular, discount...).

❗️ Select your product type carefully because it will trigger the applicative rules: the type is "Plinths".

❗️ Generic plinth product. The plinth can be defined as generic product (with no price) with a list of mapped products (with a price defined). If the plinth is defined as generic product, all parameters in this document must be set on the generic plinth product. The mandatory parameters required in the mapped products are the dimension parameters : width, depth, height (see dimension parameters πŸ”— for more details).

Specify the 3D Resource and the Thumbnail​

Plinths are linear products: The required resource is a texture (a .BM3MAT file) and the shape of the plinth is generated by the planner automatically from the "depth" and "height" values of the product, if not overloaded by a section product (see below the section parameter).

  1. Click replace to browse for your .BM3MAT file and add it to the datasheet.
  2. Click next to thumbnailto specify the bitmap file that will be used as thumbnail in 3DCloud and in the planner. Follow the format and size recommendations.

Specify the Dimension Parameters​

❗️ Although the .BM3MAT does not have by definition any dimensions, the default sizes of the plinth must be specified in the datasheet. Indeed, size parameters are mandatory, including for plinths.

Click Add variable dimension in the Product representation tab to define the default width, depth and height of the plinth.

ParameterParameter typeDefault valuePossible values
widthDiscrete length–[0 ;∞]
depthDiscrete length–[0 ;∞]
heightDiscrete length–[0 ;∞]

❗️ width is a strictly mandatory parameter used for price calculation.


Define the Option Parameter​

The plinthPositionType Parameter​

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
plinthPositionTypeDiscrete variationonLeg / onFrame / onFrontonLeg

plinthPositionType defines if the plinth will be generated either on the path defined on the frame of the box or on the front of the cabinet, or if the plinth will be generated by taking the offset values defined on the top-assembly into account.

❗️ If plinthPositionType is set up 'OnFront' then the plinth will be automatically moved by using the depth of the first 'fronts' typeID product of the cabinet. Therefore, it is mandatory to check that no sub-assembly (e.g. a drawer assembly) is set with a 'fronts' typeID. For example, avoid using the 'fronts' typeID for a drawer sub-assembly, rather use 'drawers' to avoid that the plinth aligns with the drawers.

Click Add option in the Product representation tab to define the parameter.


The ecoFeeCategory Parameter​

ecoFeeCategory has a usage:

  • Define to find the same category in the range where the weight of the board lies and to retrieve the ecofee value of that weight.

❗️ This parameter is mandatory to trigger EcoFeeRule.

ParameterTypePossible values
ecoFeeCategorystringany string

The linearWeight Parameter​

linearWeight has a usage:

  • Define to calculate the weight of linear using length and linearWeight and the calculated weight will be returned by EcoFeeRule.

❗️ This parameter is mandatory to trigger EcoFeeRule. PreciselylinearWeight should be in kilograms per meter.

ParameterTypePossible values
linearWeightnumber[0 ;∞]

Overload the Shape via a Section Product​

The section Parameter​

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
sectionProduct variationExternal dbIDExternal dbID

section defines a shape to use for the plinth instead of the default rectangular one obtained via the depth and height parameters. This section is a dedicated product and defined in a .BMA.

Add a product parameter:


➑️ See Define Plinth Position πŸ”— for detailed information on this section BMA.

Remove/Add the Back Plinth​

The back plinth can be removed or added manually by changing the Back Plinth option in the Options panel.

If the cabinet is against the wall, the Back Plinth option will be disabled since there is no place to add the back plinth. The Options button will not be shown when the leg product is activated on a cabinet.

πŸ“Œ This option is automatically managed by the Edit panel of the kitchen planner so no input data is required.

Back plinth

Calculation of the Plinth Length​

The length of the plinth is based on the width dimension: this parameter is essential because plinths are linear products and not priced by the unit. In the case of a linear combination of several cabinets, plinths are generated automatically along the whole cabinets. The pricing depends on the total width of this linear.

The way to calculate the total length of the plinth is also based on the plinthPositionType parameter (see hereinafter). The computed length equals to the total width of the linear plus 15 %.

If the value of plinthPositionType is 'onLeg', then the offset values (defined in the cabinet top-assembly) should be taken into account when calculating the length of the plinth.

If the plinthPositionType is 'onFrame', then the plinth will be attached to the box frame and the offsets value will not impact the calculation.

Example for a two-cabinets combination​

Let us take for example a combination of two base cabinets with a filler.

This is an extract of a 2D plan with dimensions in millimeters. Plinths are highlighted with different colors. '600' is the depth of the cabinet and the offset values are parameters defined on the cabinet. The total length is increased by 15%.


Plinth position is 'onLeg'

Back green plinth95 + 800 + 800 – xLegOffset = 1695 – 23 = 1672 mm
Side red plinth600 – yBackLegOffset – yFrontLegOffset = 600 - 50 - 100 = 450 mm
Front yellow plinth95 + 800 + 800 – xLegOffset = 1695 – 23 = 1672 mm
Total of whole linear(1672+450+1672) * 1.15 = 3794 * 1. 15 = 4363.1 mm = 4364 mm

Plinth position is 'onFrame'

Back green plinth95 + 800 + 800 = 1695 mm
Side red plinth600 mm
Front yellow plinth800 + 800 +95 = 1695 mm
Total of whole linear(1695+600+1695) * 1.15 = 4588.5 = 4586 mm

❗️ Note that the total is always rounded up, never down.


Like every product, plinths support different pricing πŸ”— types: regular, reduced, membership, etc. Go to the Pricing panel to define the price(s).

πŸ“Œ The recommended pricing method for plinths is 'linearMeter' or 'linearFeet'.

πŸ“Œ For generic plinth products, the pricing will use the price informations defined on mapped products.


The calculation and pricing of the plinth in the planner is made as follows:

  1. Calculation of the computed width: the total linear length increased by 15%.
  2. Calculation of the number of plinth units by dividing this total length by the width of the plinth.
  3. Multiplication of this number of units by the price of one plinth product to get the final price.


(linear length * 1.15) / plinth width = number of units number of units * price per unit = final price (3400 mm * 1.15) = 3940 3940 / 2100 mm = 2 units 2 * 50€ = 100 €

Parameters to Add at Upper Level​

Plinth option is an indirect product feature. This means that it is not mandatory to list the plinth products on the top cabinet level.

Deploying plinths to the planner requires the following steps:

  • Enable the plinth option on the cabinet;
  • Define a specific option for dedicated cabinets, if need be;
  • Add the plinth product to a catalog;
  • Define the paths on the cabinet top-assembly ( See Define Plinth Position πŸ”—).

Define the Plinth Option​

The plinthOption parameter on the cabinet will automatically launch a suggestion of available plinth products in the planner.

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
plinthOptionbooleanTrue / FalseFalse

Click Add option in the Product representation tab of the cabinet to define the parameter.


Define a Specific Option​

Even if plinths are priced by calculating their total length, it is possible for dedicated cabinets (e.g. with a dishwasher or a fridge) to define a particular product added to the item list. To manage this product, you can define a product parameter nammed specificPlinth on cabinet level (no BMA update is needed) and the price of this product will automatically be added to the total price. In this case, the total length of the plinth is reduced.

πŸ“Œ This case is common with decorative plinths.

ParameterTypePossible valuesDefault value
specificPlinthProduct parameterExternal dbIDExternal dbID

In addition, if this product is only available for a plinth product, it is possible to activate the specificPlinth parameter with a product rule of type "chain" using "plinth" publications. In this case it is highly recommended to apply the product rule only on the needed cabinet.

➑️ See Product Rules for further information.

Applicative Rule​

➑️ See also the applicative rule PlinthLegRule to create a mapping between plinth products and leg products.

Catalog Update​

To be available in an Application Distribution, it is mandatory to deploy all the plinth products in the corresponding catalog πŸ”—.