Import the furniture including the cabinets from the Client IDM file to the 3DCloud, and update the 3DCloud each time a newer version of IDM is available.
How to access the feature?
The feature is available under the "Products" section in the 3DCloud application.
This feature can be accessed from the "ACTIONS" dropdown under the products table. As shown below:
IMPORT option will open a dialog with 3 types of IMPORT options:
IMPORT IDM DATA panel will open as shown below:
User Interface
IDM Import feature consists of 5 sections:
- IDM file drop section
- Product configuration
- Create Product
- Update Product
- Excel Creation
IDM file drop section
You can click on the area to open the File select dialog box or you can directly drag and drop the IDM file in the drop area.
Remaining 4 sections comes under Configuration settings.
Product configuration
There are some configuration settings provided to add information/settings while product creation:
Dropdown input
Select the brand under which the products will be created.
Text input
Input value will get added with the product ID. It's a mandatory field.
Allowed product types:
Multi-select input
Select the type of product you want to create/update like: Base cabinet, Tall cabinet, etc.
Include VAT in price:
Toogle input
Default: False; Enable this setting will add VAT in the price of product.
Type No of Products:
Text input
Input used to enter the TYPE_NO of the IDM products the user wants to create/update, separated by a comma.
Create Product
This are some settings that applied while product creation:
Allow product creation:
Toogle input
Default: False; Enable this setting will create the IDM products.
Allow EDI/EGI Style products:
Toogle input
Default: False; Enable this setting will create the feature PROGRAM products with their corresponding parameters.
Allow feature product creation:
Toogle input
Default: False; Enable this setting to create the feature products like handles, fronts, etc.
Allowed features:
Multi-select input
Select only the features you want to create, all the feature products will be created if not selected.
Excluded features:
Multi-select input
Select only the features you don't want to create.
Allow optional product and parameter creation:
Toogle input
Default False; Enable this setting to create all the optional products and add parameter on IDM products containing information related to optional items.
Allow dimensions:
Toogle input
Default: True; Setting will control whether we want to create the dimension parameters like length, width, box-depth etc.
Allow empty dimensions:
Toogle input
Default: False; Enable this setting if the dimensions in the IDM file for the product in an empty string and you want the same thing to be copied in the 3dcloud.
Disabling this feature will set the values as "0" for the empty dimensions
Product update configuration
Configuration setting which controls the product update action.
Allow product updation:
Toggle input
Default: False; Enable this setting to update the products which are already present in the 3dcloud, it will only update the parameters of the product.
Note: It will create the products if products are not available in 3dcloud.
Parameters to update:
Multi-select input
Product can be updated fully or partially, if we left this field empty the whole product will be updated, else only the selected fields will be updated.
Note: To add multiple commercial infos of different languages, enable the "Allow update product" setting and select the "Commercial Info" option in the parameters input for IDMs of multiple languages.
Excel Creation
Configuration setting which controls the product update action.
Create feature list excel:
Toggle input
Default: False; Enable this setting to generate an excel file contains the data related to feature classes with supported features and a list of a few products.
Create additional items excel
Toggle input
Default: False; Enable this setting to generate an excel file of additional items, this excel file contains three sheets: the first with products with their respective additional items, which are optional items and operational items; the second with all the optional products and their corresponding products that are using those optional items; and the third with all the operational items and their corresponding products that are using those operational items.
Create parameters excel
Toggle input
Default: False; Enable this setting to generate an excel file of parameter lists, this excel contains three sheets. Each sheet contains one parameter, which are styleFront, handle, and innerBoxColor. This Excel sheet contains a list of different combinations possible of each parameter and the corresponding products that are using those combinations. The combinations are generated after applying correct restrictions on the products.
Note: The first two excel files are generated using the complete IDM file, while the third uses the configuration settings to get the selected products.
Note: The Generate Excel button gets enabled after entering the necessary information in the IDM tool and clicking on any of the Excel creation toggle buttons. If more than one button is enabled, then those Excels will be generated.
Using IDM import
To use the IDM import feature we need a correct IDM file. Currently there is no size restriction on the IDM file, which might be added in the future.
Acceptable type of IDM: XML Steps to import the IDM file:
- Select the IDM file using drag-drop or opening File select option by clicking on the IDM file drop section.
- Adjust the configuration settings.
- IDM file selection will enable the "LAUNCH IMPORT" button in the bottom
- Click on the "LAUNCH IMPORT" button to launch the IDM import feature
- A popin will be shown where the count of the products of type selected in the "Allowed product types" will be shown.
- Click on "YES, LAUNCH" if you agree with the information, else click on "NO, CANCEL"
- Clicking on the "YES, LAUNCH" button will transform the product in a grid table.
Products, Parameters and Prices will be displayed and can be updated only in the creation phase.
Clicking on the "LAUNCH IMPORT" button will start the product creation/updation and for the same a progress bar will be displayed
Wait for the process to complete, this might take some time. If options like "Allow EDI/EGI Style products", "Allow feature product creation", "Allow optional product and parameter creation" are enabled, then this products will be created first.
After the process is complete, a dialog box is shown with a success message along with a success icon on the status column.
Error handling and reporting
Once the IDM data in converted into grid table, you are able to have a last look at your data before uploading them for real. A validation is done in order to minimize the possible webservice error after launching the import. If an issue is found on a line, an error icon appears at the beginning of the line. More information is shown when hovering the error icon.
in this example, we can see that the first id does not follow an url valid pattern. The error icon is therefore present, and the user is warn of what error is present.
If a line is on error, you will not be able to click on "LAUNCH IMPORT".
If an issue happened when calling the webservice, a dialog box is shown with a error message along with a error icon on the status column.
Hovering on the error icon will show you the webservice error. If an error icon appears after launching the import, it means that the line was not imported, Also "Download Errors" button gets enabled on clicking the button, an excel file gets downloaded containing all the errors occurred in webservice.